Monday 8 June 2009

Our Weekend

We've had a home based and fairly unambitious weekend.
Friday night in, with an Acton Balti House Chicken Tikka Marsala, a bottle of wine, Tuesday's episode of 'Flight of the Conchords' and the new series of 'Big Brother', which is shaping up very nicely.
On Saturday morning, we all went to Willesden Sports Centre for a family swim. Ruby did incredibly well and is really getting the hang of kicking her legs. We even had some time in the grown up pool and she was happy in the cooler water and to be splashed by the older children.
After that, I had to take Josie, one of our cats, to the vets. A lump has recently appeared on her shoulder and is getting larger. We've been referred to a specialist who'll see her on Wednesday.
Saturday night, Ruby had a bath with Ibolya and after putting her to bed, we had an asparagus supper before watching an Arena film about T.S.Eliot.
Vittoriano and Lorena came round on Sunday and I made a big Sunday roast, with cauliflower cheese and bread and butter pudding for dessert. Ruby tried pasta, with cheese sauce and had a piece of chicken for the first time. Vittoriano, who works in the city, helped us to go through our finances and gave us a huge mount of very valuable advice.

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