Monday 29 June 2009

Other Bits of Our Weekend

The sun shone and it was a very warm Harlesden this weekend. On Friday I had a wonderful day with Ruby, just the two of us, having fun and loving each other's company. I absolutley love my Ruby Days. Saturday morning, we caught up with Andy and Ava and took Ruby and Georgi to Roundwood and gave Ruby her first go, with us, on the swings. I then got a severe case of Hydrangea envy (almost to the point of rage) on the way home. There are Hydrangeas, in full, glorious bloom, all over Harlesden right now.
Saturday afternoon we had our friends Jess, Adam, Jerry, Samia, Robyn, Danny and Holly over for a BBQ. We managed to get everything cooked and mostly eaten before we had to take shelter from a hailing thunder storm.
Sunday, I took Ruby out in the morning and then we all spent the afternoon on the floor in the lounge watching Glastonbury.

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