Thursday 15 May 2008

Fish Mongers

I've been feeling very guilty about my excitement over Tescos so I've decided that we must actively support our brilliant fish mongers and popped in for Sea Bass, on the way home.
Just look at their fishy produce!
I'll be devastated if they close. I love the Tesco but surely there's room in this world for the two to live, profitably, side by side?
They are so good, they even scale and fillet the fish for you.

Here's how it ended up. Yummy.

I am very proud of my wife today. She's worked for several months on a presentation that she gave yesterday and her boss loved it. She is a very, very clever thing.

We read some of the Dorling Kindesley baby book, in bed this morning, reading about what's happening during week 12. Apparently Little Blob is no longer an 'embryo' but is now a 'foetus offspring'. I thought Feetus mightbe a good name?

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