Thursday 24 July 2008


A rare, sunny, summer's evening on Wednesday and to the Bermondsey home, of our very dear friends P&K. They hosted a wonderful dinner on their roof-top terrace, joined also by S&C and our, long lost, college friend Elliott and his wife Sigi.I always love visiting P&K's home. Not only is it a gorgeous house, with beautiful things inside but I love walking through the vibrant surrounding area, an absolute architectural treasure trove. The 2 pictures above are some recently completed flats.

You don't see many working Victorian public toilets any more.

P&K's 'Mary Poppins' roof terrace.

The lovely, Fanny
More Fanny
Ibs and I loved these ornaments on K's bookshelf

1 comment:

visit sounds around said...

i feel so left out and far away - i hope you had fun though, and thanks for adding me to your blog list