Tuesday 1 April 2008

Day Two

Last night I and I performed our 1st formal exercise of the pregnancy and visited I's doctor. Both went in together and I heard I say for the 1st time 'I'm having a baby'. Incredible to hear her say that and hard not to weep. I's blood pressure was taken - normal - and details taken so we can get booked into a hospital. 1st offer is Queen Charlotte's which would be perfect, near home and where one of my beautiful nephews was born, Hugo, my elder sister Jane's. I went with her to QM for Hugo's 1st scan. Is also perfect as our name of choice for a girl is Charlotte and the name of a wonderful cat we had as children.
Cycled home togther, me struggling with a deflated tyre. I spottered a life size cut out of Ian Curtis near the Regent's canal bridge. She struggled to carry it on her bike before giving up. We really haven't got much use for a full size Ian Curtis cut out.
Home and dinner with Beatrice, Dennis and Thomas. They didn't get much done today, didn't leave the house until 3.00 so only made it to Kensington Park, poor Thomas.
Beatrice's turn to cook so, typically french, we had fois gras for entree followed by a lovely gnochi and tomotato sauce.
Dennis climbed many rungs higher in my estimation when he told me that not only is he a Sopranos fan but also loves Curb Your Enthusiasm. A kindred spirit.
Bed, very early again, by 10.00. Read a couple of pages of a book about bedding plants (I'm trying to plan and learn a bit about gardening), fell asleep whilst I filled in her diary.

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