Saturday 5 April 2008

Day 7, Saturday: Goldborne and Sisters

Woke at 6.00, hungover. Couldn't get back to sleep so got up and iron clothes for holiday.
Went to Superdrug and bought folic acid for I. Cooked saugages and eggs for breakfast and set off with I to cycle to my favourite road in the world Goldborne Road. Cycled by the canal towpath and fed ducks and swans as we went.

Walked down Goldborne and top end of Portobello, popping into shops and bought sunglasses from market. Walked back to the Porto and stopped for coffee, custard cake and chicken escalope toasted bap.

Seeing my sisters, brothers-in-laws and all my beautiful nephews and nieces this afternoon. Planning to break the news to sisters after the children have gone to bed. Can't wait for them to be the 1st people we tell and very excited at the prospect.

A few snaps of the day so far.
Got to sister's about 14.00 and we all watched the Grand National together. My horse, Brewleys something, did well for a while then flagged and lost.
Went to park with Matthew and children and lots of running. Told off later that I should have let the children win! Nieces and Nephews, an absolute delight as always and all growing so quickly.
As champagne was about to be toasted and the children out of the room, I gathered my sisters
and showed them the photo of the pregnancy test. Met with cautious delight. It was a wonderful feeling to share the news and I was very emotional, little poppet.
Tremendous dinner as usual for Matthew H, slow roasted pork and lots of wine. Discussed plans for Mum's 70th birthday in November.
Taxi home and a little late night TV.

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