Sunday 7 December 2008

Ruby's 4th Day, Ruby meets her aunties, uncles and 6 cousins

Sunday morning and we had an early morning visit from Robyn, on her way back from Thailand.
She brought Ruby a lovely wooden bird, which I'll suspend from the ceiling in the nursery.

At lunchtime, the Bennetts and Hargreaves families arrived and we had a marvelous, big, family, pic-nick lunch together.
It's always an utter joy to see all my nieces and nephews and marvel at how wonderfully they are all maturing and growing. How the older ones, such likable, confident personalities are forming and how quickly the little ones are growing up.

We couldn't be more fortunate to have sisters with six children between them. Their advice, support, guidance and handmidowns have given Ibolya and I so much reassurance and saved us a fortune.

Seven happy cousins and grandchildren. From 4 days to 8 years old.

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