Monday 16 June 2008

Week 16

I woke up with butterflies in my stomach and couldn't get back to sleep from the anxiety about today's hospital visit and the results of all Ibs' blood and urine tests. I was convinced there must be a problem and the ride to St Mary's was nerve racking. I braced myself for the worst when the Midwife took out her file but to my enormous relief everything couldn't have better with Ibs and the Little One. The test are so comprehensive and thorough but everything was as it should be and everything's good, 'in all possible worlds'.
We were desperate for another scan but the receptionist said no and said 'you just got to let the baby cook' which I really liked. However the midwife asked if we wanted to listen to Little One's heart and we both screamed we would!
A little rummaging with the device over Ibs' tummy and Little One's heart was located and was booming through the microphone, loud and clear. It was a powerful, fast paced beat and the most lovely sound in the world. We both felt such enormous relief and sheer happiness that the results were good and that heart beat is drumming - fast and furious. We both had a good cry and felt so good afterwards.
Everyone is lovely at St Mary's, we talked about bikes with the Spanish male Midwife we spoke to last time and everyone there makes the place feel happy, efficient and confident. The blood test nurse is particularly lovely, in a mature Eastern European way, she's just like Madame Souza in Belleville Rendezvous. She looks at Ibs in the eye when she takes blood, explains what she's doing and how she is NOT to worry about anything. She's brilliant.
Just got to try and wait until 27th July for the next scan. I'm already thinking about filming it so in year's to come, Little One will be able to see him/herself moving in Mummy's tummy. Wouldn't that be cool?

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