Monday 23 June 2008

Summer Solstice

Sunday. Actually the solstice was yesterday meaning that now, everyday is getting shorter than the previous day, a really grim thought.

I finished painting the kitchen, wrote my blog twice, got in a bit of time to read the Observer in the garden.
Ibs made a delicious fruit pie and for dinner I made roast chicken with roast potatoes, carrots, parsnips and spinach. We watched the 2nd part of the brilliant documentary about Quincy Jones. What an absolute genius! And afterwards, started to watch the film 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford'. A magnificent film, sumptuously shot by Roger Deakins. It's a very slow burning movie and we'll watch the 2nd part, later in the week.

The cats seem to be sensing the tle One inside Ibs' tummy. We keep waking to find either Putty or Josie lying on top of her tummy, with another one very close by. I'm sure her tummy must feel warmer than normal but I really like to think they can feel some kind of connection and are being somehow, protective, even maternal? Either way, it's very adorable and sweet to wake up to us all (cats, Ibs, Little One and I) all cosy and snug together.

This was Ibs' wonderfully expanding tummy, yesterday evening.

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