Friday 22 January 2010

The Road

Jerry and I went to see the film of Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road' last night. I read the book, earlier this year, when we were in Spain and although I was keen to see the film, I didn't expect the film to come close to the power and depth of the book. However, the film is extraordinarily good and a very successful adaptation. The story of a man and his son, surviving on a journey through a post-apocalyptic, future, landscape. It's a harrowing and disturbing story but what struck me last night was the life-affirming, optimistic message that 'the family' and the relationship between a parent and child holds the very essence of civilisation and represents everything that is good in the world. The film is immaculately photographed, there's only one shot I could see that relies on CGI, beautifully scored by Nick Cave and has a faultless cast. Viggo Mortensen is absolutely heartbreaking and I loved seeing Robert Duvall, Guy Pearce, Molly Parker and Omar, from the Wire, in cameos.
Just on another note (that I need to record), I took Ruby to Mary's this morning, after going to the doctors for an eye infection. While I was there Ruby held on to the fire guard, let go, stood unaided for a few moments and then made about 3 steps forward before she realised what she was doing and then plonked to the floor. These were her very first, unaided, proper, steps and I was completely thrilled and excited to be there when she did them.

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