Monday 19 October 2009


It was a near pitch-perfect weekend for Ibolya, Ruby and I, with lots of Ruby time, good food with friends, some art, fine weather and even some good telly. After tidying the house on Friday night, preparing Saturday night's meal, we ate dinner in front of Synth Britanina, a fantatsic documentary on BBC4, about the rise of electronic music in the 70's and 80's.
Saturday morning, we went for breakfast at Le Pain on Marylebone High Street, with Kate, Dan and Maisie. Popped in to the Fromagerie and bought cheese before heading off to Regent's Park to see the Frieze Art Fair.
Saturday night, we were joined for dinner by Rupert, Helen, Ollie and Rachel, who's 6 months pregnant. We ate pot roasted pheasant with chorizo and butter beans, followed by Ibolya's chocolate cake and cheese.
I made us pancakes for breakfast on Sunday morning, Ruby's first, and the rest of the day we spent playing with Ruby, had a wonderful family nap in the afternoon and, after Ruby went to bed at 7, we had an evening in front of the TV watching 'X Factor' followed by 'Come Dine With Me' and ended a brilliant weekend, watching a brilliant new episode of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' in bed. Even the cats had a good weekend; Josie brought in a nice fat mouse for her, Putty and Tutsi to play with.

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