Tuesday 30 March 2010

Rob Blog is 2!

It's a day or two over two years since Ibolya and I found out Ruby was on her way and what prompted me to start writing my blog. I could never have imagined that the little person that would finally emerge could be anything as wonderful as little Ruby has turned out to be or that we could possibly be so blessed and fortunate to have another on the way. So I'd like to dedicate this post to Ruby, who made me start this blog in the first place and who has kept me so motivated to keeping it going. I'd also like to let her know, if she's reading this at sometime in the future, that you have given your Mummy and I more joy, happiness and wonderment than it's possible to know. Everything new that you do (your new words this week are 'apple' and 'shoe' and we watched you for 20 minutes last night, repeatedly climbing up the arm chair in our bedroom, sitting yourself down, opening Mummy's diary and scibbling in it with a pencil) feels like the proudest and most amazing things we've ever seen or heard. I started Rob Blog with a picture of the pregnancy test that told us you were on your way, so two years on, here are a few pictures (from the last couple of weeks, taken by Mary) of what you get up to during the week, when we're at work.

april 009

april 015

april 011

april 020

april 024

april 036

april 033

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