Saturday 3 January 2009

Mark and Sophie

Saturday, 3rd, morning, we took Ruby to Barbly Road Health Centre to have the bump on the back of her head checked again. The doctor was sure it's reducing but has referred us to St. Mary's to be on the safe side. We also got Ruby weighed and is now 4.50kg, just about spot on where she should be.

This has been, without doubt (and hesitation), officially, the best Christmas, I've ever had. Obviously, spending it with Ruby has been everything (and as incredible and special a time as it's possible to have) but I've also loved having friends over to see us and meet Ruby for the first time.
Today, we had the great pleasure of seeing Mark and his new girlfriend Sophie. Sophie's from Nottingham so she was already very high in my estimation, even before I met her. They make a fantastic couple and we wish them every happiness together.

Sophie and Mark bought these lovely clothes for Ruby.

Ruby and Ibolya found themselves in co-ordinated tops today so not to feel left out, I put my stripey top on too.

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