Sunday 15 November 2009


A well and teething-free Ruby made this a wonderful weekend and a huge improvement to last. It was so good to have my happy and giggling little girl back.
Friday night started the weekend well with a night out in Soho with Alex, Adam and Jerry.
We had a cheap but disappointing (Top Table) meal at Quo Vardis and wished we'd eaten at a little bistro in Berwick street, where we resided for the rest of the evening.
The awful weather on Saturday made staying in guilt-free and a huge, comforting pleasure.
One of those days that just makes you love everything about being at home and being together. It also gave me time to prepare dinner for Dan and Kate, who were coming over that night and to continue my pursuit of the perfect roast pork, something of a mission of mine since Rupert gave me, and still remains, the best roast pork I've ever had.
So I followed the Jamie Oliver recipe he used; pork belly, with crushed fennel seeds and salt rubbed into the scores, cooked over a bed of wine braised fennel bulbs. Served with salsa verde, roast potatoes, carrots and the fennel. It was definitely the best pork I've ever made but still, not quite up to Rupert's standard.
On Sunday, we had a big, really enjoyable Sunday lunch at The Paradise and had more, quality family time at home.

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