Monday 20 October 2008

33 Weeks and 3 Days

Ibolya and I were back at St Mary's again, this morning, for our latest antenatal check up.
The midwife gave Ibolya's tummy a very thorough prodding and squeeze and could feel that Little One has moved right round and is now positioned, head down, deep in Ibolya's pelvis and the right place for birth. We've both got a very strong feeling now that this Little One is getting impatient and won't wait another 6 weeks until we share our lives together.

As you can see, Ibolya's tummy is an absolutely beautifully round shape. I'm sure I could feel Little One moving around and giving me kicks as I slept last night.

According to Dr Stoppard, baby is now fully formed, has a full head of hair, can focus, dilate irises and just needs to add weight before being ready to be born. He's now about 32cm long and weighs 2.5 kg.
When we were walking through Hyde Park on Sunday, Ibolya thought she felt her first Braxton Hicks, a small contraction, which the body stimulates to practise for labour.

Tomorrow, at long last, we finally attend our first antenatal class at St Mary's.

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