Our little boy was 4 weeks old 2 days ago and is exactly 1 calendar month old today.
These past few weeks have gone by at an extraordinary rate and I can't believe how much he's changing, before our eyes. He's getting ever so long and filling out really rapidly.
Unbelievably, we haven't quite settled on a name yet. We've agonised over it relentlessly for the past, well, 10 months and involved so many people that we know, I think it's become a bit of a joke. It's certainly tested our nearest and dearests patience to the extreme. Even people we haven't discussed it with have known about it. But all will be decided and resolved tomorrow when I go along for our appointment at Westminster Town Hall to have our boy's birth officially registered.
While I'm here, I also just wanted to note that I am absolutely loving people at work, stopping me and asking 'how are the kids?' - that and referring to 'my children' is such an incredible thrill.
Hi everybody,
we are so proud to look at the pics of your family and specially your little boy.
Hope you are fine. We are about to writing to you from washington where we spend nice holidays in family.
Lots of love and take care
Christophe and his daughters.
I am so in love with this series of photos! love to you all kxx
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